Joe Bidden in his debate with Sarah Palin employs logos in several places throughout his debate with Palin. When Bidden begins to talk about how they will not support the three hundred billion dollar tax cut that McCain and Sarah Palin are for, Bidden is implying logos. By stating this as a fact that they will not do this makes this logos. About one minute into the video clip Bidden says, “We can not slow up on education, because that is the engine that is going to give us the economic growth and competitiveness that we need.” This is also an example of how he uses logos, by stating the fact that we are not going to slow up on education and then giving a reason uses both logos and ethos. This argument is made rational by using the because statement, which makes this appeal logos and it also gives Joe Bidden credibility, because he gives a reason as to why we are not going to slow up education.
By stating that he is going to cut spending in the current budget, is also a way of using logos, because he states a clear fact. Joe Bidden uses pathos when he talks about people taking their post office box offshore to avoid taxes. He calls these people unpatriotic, this would definitely cause an emotional response in me and I’m sure that it did cause an emotional response in other people that watched the debate and especially the people that he was referring to.
In Senator Joe Biden’s rebuttal he states that Senator Obama voted to eliminate the tax breaks for the oil companies and Senator McCain did not. By stating this Senator Biden is once again using logos, by stating a fact.